Everything You Need To Know As A Remote Team First Time Manager:
Managing people is complicated in itself, but when you have to manage a remote team of employees it becomes even more difficult. So, before trying to make sure you are the best remote manager, make sure you understand the basics of management.
In general, this will involve building the right kind of system, making sure you are helping your people, and providing some coaching. If you've just assembled your remote team, here are some amazing, efficient remote team ideas for your company.
In general, when it comes to managing a remote team, you may encounter the following X challenges:
The first challenge is visibility. Visibility is part of it when you work with people on a daily basis. But, when you work from a distance, most of the visibility disappears, creating problems of trust, accountability and empathy.
In addition, there are more potential distractions in the home environment than in the office environment. Also, some people will simply take advantage of the fact that no one can tell what they are doing.
The solution is to set standards around your chat and email and specific areas that you can target, such as when you should be online and what will happen if you leave.
Everyone - who has been working from home for a while - has had some kind of communication problem. It can be either towards the office, towards your home, or anything in between.
If office communication is slow, it sends a message that your time as an employee or partner is not valuable. It destroys not only your morale but also your productivity.
In other words, it will destroy all the key metrics you are potentially looking for.
We lose a lot of connection points when we work from home. When we work in the office, we can hear conversations through the table, in the hallway, or on the water cooler. We can even go out for lunch with people - you get the point, there are plenty of opportunities to talk.
Another thing that happens with communication is that when people are far away, they send a lot of text and lose the ability to communicate face to face. Therefore, as a manager, you need to be aware of the potential effects of this type of communication loss.
Another potential challenge is the connection with the management of remote teams. Personally, we naturally relate to people because we see them on a daily basis. But when we work from home, we don't see our peers, who can challenge our energy and our morale.
Lack of connection can lead to low quality, low productivity and other issues. So, as a manager, you have to be very aware of these issues with the connection when working with remote teams.
Possible Solutions To Challenges
As a remote employee manager, you will want to set clear goals, and you will want to encourage ownership. One of the ways you can get people to own property is to help them set team rules.
Assume you already have clear goals; Here are some things you can do to help your team set some rules when working from a distance.
Set Internet Connection Standards.
This applies to both office and home. You want to ask your team how much bandwidth they need and when they are working from home it will take some long time. As a manager, you can take the standards they set and run the chain in the organization to focus on improving connectivity.
Coordinate Home Office Standards.
There are some areas you should look at to set up Home Office standards. For example, you might want to check if your remote team has the right space and equipment. Do they have the quiet time they need?
Most importantly, you have to understand that the team is setting the standards - not you. Therefore, it makes it a bit more acceptable. People's offices will have a significant impact on their productivity and ability to deliver. Setting home office standards is something that the team and you as a manager should take care of.
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